domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010



I never treated you so mean / Mai l'ha tractat tan malament.
Like that's a reason to be proud / Igual que una raó per estar orgullosos.
My love I know it's been so long / Amor meu jo sé que ha passat molt de temps.
But I thought that I'd just call around / Però vaig pensar que t'havia vingut a veure.
And with that smile that says / I amb aquest somriure que diu
Yeah well I knew you'd wait for me / Yeah tot i que sabia que anaves a esperar per mi.
I can hear you say / Puc sentir-te dir
The day I fall down at your feet / El dia que caigui als teus peus.

Go to hell / Vés a l'infern
Go to hell / Vés a l'infern

Well I'll thank you for your understanding / Bé et donaré les gràcies per la teva comprensió.
I won't be long / No duraré molt
And for the things around the house you left unthrown / I per totes les coses al voltant de la casa que vas deixar sense tirar.
And hey I know it's been so long but I thought I'd call / I sé que ha passat tant de temps i que et trucaria.
I just come crawling back in time to hear to you say / Jo només he vingut arrossegant-me en el temps per sentir-te dir.

Go to hell / Vés a l'infern
Just go to hell / Només has d'anar a l'infern.

Go to hell / Vés a l'infern
My sweet indecision / La meva indecisió dolça.
Do you think I'd wait around for you? / Et pensaves que anava a esperar per a tu ?

Just go to hell / Només has d'anar a l'infern
Cause I don't deserve you / Perquè jo no et mereixo.
You don't deserve this / Tu no et mereixes això.
And tell me / I diguem

Go to hell / Vés a l'infern
Go to hell / Vés a l'infern
Go to hell / Vés a l'infern
Go to hell / Vés a l'infern.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

The Animal In Me

Today, I wanna be a PARROT !
I really like this animal. I think it's a very beautiful and extroverted animal. He always has a beautiful colours.
A Parrot can fly and he eats a lot ! He has a peak with a characteristic curved shape. He possess a large cranial capacity, being one of the smartest groups of birds. He lives in Tropical Area.
Many species can imitate human speech and other sounds.
I am an animal that bites a lot but sometimes I can be affectionate.
I speak a lot.
And that's it !
Bye !

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010


Hi teacher !
I hope you had a great summer 2010, too, because mine was so fine ! Well, I'm going to explain you all the things that I did in this summer 2010 !
First, I worked all the summer ! I worked with my father in his shop. It's a bike shop. I earned a lot of money, so, I buy a lot of instruments like a microphone, a new guitar,... And a lot of clothes and other things.
In the evenings, sometimes I go in bars or in concerts with my friends. It was the best of the summer ! And I did a lot of parties for my birthday with all my friends !
In the end of the summer, I did Camping with my mother and my brother ! We went in France, near the Ocean. It was the best thing that I do in this summer 2010.
And.... That's it !
Bye, xxx